

Our manufacturing chain – as solid as the steel we work with

Our sophisticated steel fabrication chain ensures safe and high-quality results every time. Thanks to our comprehensive range of state-of-the-art machinery and equipment, we are able to manage the entire process from start to finish on site.

Our rigorous inspection procedures and in-house quality assurance activities are integrated into everything we do, and we take pride in ensuring that our processes are carefully controlled and monitored every step of the way.

Finishing & Coating

It’s not done until it’s finished

All our steelwork is finished to make sure it is fit for the purpose for which it has been created. Finishes we offer include shotblasting, wet spraying, epoxy coating, polyurethane finishes and fire and heat resistant coatings.


Full-service structural steelwork – delivered like clockwork

At KL-Asennus, we are fully committed to responding to our customers’ individual requirements. Our design and fabrication process is complemented by our finishing and installation service. We are well placed to manage the entire process in-house, which allows us to deliver the finished product reliably and always on time.


Maintenance services for long lifetime assets

With our professional in-house team and extensive network of supply chain partners, we can respond to your maintenance needs quickly and flexibly throughout Finland.We offer installation and maintenance services but will also undertake new build projects where required.