Crowd cover for suomenlinna island summer theatre

In summer 2007, we delivered a set of curved lattice trusses for the summer theatre at Suomenlinna Island, located just outside the Finnish capital. Spanning more than 23 metres, each of the huge arches had to be positioned with millimetre accuracy to create a staggered crowd cover structure. Following a “dry run” installation, the trusses were hot dip galvanised and painted.

The project remains one of the most memorable we have ever undertaken, as working within this UNESCO World Heritage site presented us with a unique set of challenges. However, the structure was successfully installed and, after a long and productive day, our installation team were on their way home by the evening.


A complex lattice steelwork structure for the all weather terminal at the Port of Kokkola

This exciting project is an excellent demonstration of our ability to apply creative flair to steelwork

A set of curved lattice trusses for the summer theatre at Suomenlinna Island

Creating the support structure for this conference marquee called for a high degree of technical expertise